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English version

English version of the story

In English, this story by Joan Makisi is:

What’s for Lunch?

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It is summer in Wellington. It is warm and sunny. But it is windy.

It is a great day for a barbecue at the beach.

Tomasi is at the beach with his friends, Tuku, Luka, and Jamar.

They want to find some seafood for lunch.

Uncle Lene can cook it on the barbecue.

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Luka looks into a rock pool. “Hey guys!

Look what I’ve found. It’s a crab.”

Tomasi reaches into the rock pool. The water is cold.

“Where is it?” he asks.

“There, under the rock,” answers Luka.

Tomasi reaches under the rock. “Ouch! Something bit my finger!”

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Jamar says, “Watch out, Tomasi, an uga might be under the rocks!”

Tuku says, “The uga has sharp claws. It can nip your whole finger off!”

Tomasi jumps far away from the rock pool.

His father has told him that in Niue the uga can be as big as the crayfish.

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Luka, Tuku, and Jamar look into the rock pool.

Tuku finds a small crab inside some seaweed.

“Is this the uga that bit you, Tomasi?” he asks.

Luka finds a shrimp. “Is this the uga that bit you, Tomasi?” he asks.

Jamar finds some mussels on the rocks. “Is one of these the uga that bit you, Tomasi?” he asks.

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Luka says, “Don’t worry, Tomasi. The uga lives on land, not in a rock pool.”

It’s colder now, and the boys are hungry.

Jamar says, “Come on, Uncle Lene is calling us. Lunch is cooked.”

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They run to Uncle Lene and the barbecue.

Jamar says, “Uga!”

“Where?” asks Tomasi, jumping and looking around.

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Luka says, “Here, on the barbecue. Ha ha!”

Uncle Lene says, “We have uga for lunch today. My brother brought it from Niue.”

Tomasi says, “Awesome! That’s nice!”
